HBS Technologies


APIs integrated with PayX

PayX is the world's most comprehensive transaction processing solution fully supported and integrated with over hundreds of APIs from our global partners.HBS Tech has a strong base with teams operating in UK and other overseas regional offices.

PayX supports over hundreds of third party APIs to serve our clientele connecting their systems spread over 4 continents across the world.

API Connections with PayX:

  • Goes through a stringent phase and change control mechanism
  • Providing value added services by third parties
  • Runs thorough compliance in real-time from renowned organisations
  • Provides multiple data streams by few clicks

In APIs, HBS Tech has:

  • Proven track record from world’s leading banks and top remittance companies
  • Presence worldwide including regulated markets like South & North America, Europe, Middle East / Africa and Far East Asia
  • Out of the box connection that might take over 200 elapsed days of work in if developed individually

Following industry’s best practices to configure systems according to the requirements of the client, HBS Tech standardised ways to provide scalable and robust solutions.

For further details on API integration, contact our support by clicking here or email at info@hbstech.co.uk

Created by SkyGroup.pl